A Mumbai court on Thursday (7) sent Aryan Khan, the son of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, and seven other accused to 14-day judicial custody in the cruise ship drug raid case.
The court said that the Narcotics Control Bureau's (NCB) remand report was vague, and rejected its plea for further custody.
The NCB had told the court that it is still conducting raids and "anyone arrested in those raids would be needed to be confronted with the present accused".
Meanwhile, an interim bail plea for Khan will be heard on Friday (8), local media reported.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) is likely to seek further custody of Khan, Arbaz Merchant, and the other six accused till October 11.
Khan was produced before the Esplanade court in Mumbai for bail along with seven other accused in a case related to the seizure of drugs onboard a cruise ship.
He was arrested on Saturday (2) night after police raided a ship off Mumbai and found narcotics, local media said.
Many high-profile Indian actors and TV personalities have been under scrutiny from narcotics officials since last year. In September 2020, several top female actors were questioned by the NCB, though it was unclear how the investigation progressed.
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