Acclaimed filmmaker Sudhir Mishra’s much-delayed film, Daas Dev, which has been in the making for more than two years now, has been postponed once again. Scheduled to hit the silver screen on March 9, the film will now enter theatres on 23rd March.
Though no official word has come stating the reason behind pushing the film forward, some source claim that the decision has been taken to avoid a box office clash with Vishal Pandya’s erotic thriller, Hate Story IV, which also arrives on 9th March.
Interestingly, the original release date of Daas Dev was 16th February. However, when the makers of Aiyaary decided to come on 16th February to avoid a clash with Akshay Kumar’s Pad Man on 9th February, Daas Dev shifted to 9th March.
Starring Richa Chadha as Paro, Aditi Rao Hydari as Chanda and Rahul Bhatt as Dev, Daas Dev also features amazing actors like Vineet Singh, Saurabh Shukla and Vipin Sharma in important roles.
Talking about the principal characters of his film, filmmaker Sudhir Mishra says, “I don’t have heroes in my films, I have actors. I saw Dev in Rahul when I watched him in another film and his vulnerability spoke to me. Richa’s fiercely independent persona made her perfect for my Paro who reserves the right to do wrong in order to do right and stands up to Dev at every given point. Chandni in my film is a very real person who we see servicing the political forces of our times, a money handler, fixer, and manipulator but with one fatal flaw, her love for Dev.”
23rd March is the new release date of Daas Dev.