After taking their vows at Lake Como in Italy and organizing lavish reception parties in Bengaluru and Mumbai, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are back to resume work. While Singh has already started promoting his much-awaited film Simmba, Padukone will buckle down to kick-off preparations for her next untitled movie on acid attack survivor, Laxmi Agarwal.
While fans are busy gushing over the couple’s marriage and reception pictures every chance they get, there is a piece of news that will force them to jump with joy and excitement. Buzz has it that the power couple is planning to set up their own production house. If all goes well, they will soon be making a joint announcement about producing movies together.
For the uninitiated, Deepika Padukone has already announced her foray into film production with her next film with filmmaker Meghna Gulzar. According to reports, Ranveer Singh will be joining his better half in the business very soon.
“Ranveer has two major releases, Simmba and Gully Boy in December 2018 and February 2019 respectively. These are solo-hero films that are expected to prove his popularity categorically at the box office. After these two films are released, Ranveer will plunge into his production plans. The joint ventures with Deepika will not necessarily feature the two in the cast but might feature newcomers. But the idea is to take cinema to the next level with their collaboration,” a source reveals.
We wish them all the very best!