Deepika Padukone made a powerful debut in Hollywood in XXX: The Return of Xander Cage with Vin Diesel. The actress will be starring opposite Irrfan Khan in Vishal Bhardwaj’s upcoming directorial. However, the shoot for the same has been halted because of Irrfan Khan’s ill health. This has left Deepika with a couple of days to work for a Hollywood film. Speaking about the same, she said, ‘’I am very well aware of my home and my roots, so that’s never going to change. I look at it (working in Hollywood) as an extension of my creativity and the ability to work in a different environment with different people.’’
“But I think that the people in the film industry come together to tell amazing stories to touch and influence lives through the work that we do and that was one such opportunity for me,’’ she said.
“With actresses like Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone, who play some of the best roles Bollywood has to offer, on the lookout for similar characters in Hollywood films, it is imperative that they spend time to get these roles. While their agents will work on screening the films and managing scripts for the same, these stars will need to go meet, audition and screen test as well for all the characters for the films made by Hollywood majors,” a source said to a leading Indian daily.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone’s last outing Padmaavat starring Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor became the highest grosser at the box office, and is one of the most watched Bollywood movies.