Actor Jr NTR on Wednesday shared the first character poster of Saif Ali Khan from their upcoming film Devara on the occasion of the Bollywood star's 53rd birthday.
Billed as a high-octane action drama set in the forgotten coastal lands of India, the film is directed by Koratala Siva. It marks the Adipurush star's Telugu debut.
Saif will play Bhaira in the Telugu film, according to the poster shared by Jr NTR on his X page.
"BHAIRA. Happy Birthday, Saif sir! #Devara,” the RRR star captioned his tweet.
Devara is produced by Yuvasudha Arts and NTR Arts, and presented by Nandamuri Kalyana Ram.
Also starring Janhvi Kapoor in a pivotal role, the film is slated to release on April 5, 2024.
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