Popular television actor Dheeraj Dhoopar, who was psyched up about turning host for the upcoming season of hit dance reality show Dance India Dance on ZEE TV, quit the show a couple of hours ago. Initially, he was gung-ho about being a part of DID 7 and working with judges like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Bosco Martis and Raftaar. However, as the channel started shooting back-to-back episodes, the handsome television star found it extremely difficult to shoot for two shows at the same time.
For the uninitiated, Dheeraj Dhoopar is playing the male lead on Ekta Kapoor’s popular soap opera Kundali Bhagya. It was getting quite hectic for him to manage two shows side by side. Also, the actor claimed that he had some commitment issues due to which he decided to put his papers down ahead of the launch of the show. Interestingly, Kundali Bhagya also airs on ZEE TV.
With Dheeraj Dhoopar exiting the show hours before its launch, ZEE TV has now, reportedly, signed popular television actor Karan Wahi as the new host. Karan is not new to hosting as he has previously hosted a number of successful reality shows including Nach Baliye, Indian Idol, India’s Next Superstar and many more.
Dance India Dance 7, produced by Essel Vision Productions, is set to premiere on 22nd June, 2019, only on ZEE TV. The show marks the small screen debut of seasoned Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan. She is one of the judges on the show along with choreographer-turned-filmmaker Bosco Martis and singer-rapper Raftaar.