Headlined by extremely talented actor Ayushmann Khurrana and Nushrat Bharucha, Dream Girl has taken a double digit opening at the domestic box-office in India. The romantic drama, which entered theatres yesterday, registered an excellent opening in all territories across the country and raked in an impressive Rs 10.05 crore, despite releasing on a non-holiday Friday.
Dream Girl was one of the most-awaited movies of the year. Its trailer and music had already created a huge buzz among the audience. Ayushmann Khurrana, who is busy delivering one box-office hit after the other, impersonates a woman’s voice in Dream Girl, which was another highlight of the movie. As was expected, the film set the box-office on fire and emerged as the biggest opener for Khurrana, who is celebrating his 35th birthday today.
The collection of the film is expected to see a huge jump on Saturday and Sunday. Besides great reviews from film critics, the strong word of mouth is attracting the audience to theatres in droves. It is expected to close out its first weekend in between Rs. 35-40 crores. Dream Girl is set to be Ayushmann Khurrana’s sixth consecutive hit after Bareilly Ki Barfi (2017), Shubh Mangal Saavdhan (2017), Andhadhun (2018), Badhaai Ho (2018) and Article 15 (2019).
Produced by Ekta Kapoor, Dream Girl is directed by well-known television writer Raaj Shaandilyaa. He is making his directorial debut with the film. Besides Ayushmann Khurrana and Nushrat Bharucha, Manjot Singh, Annu Kapoor, Vijay Raaz and Abhishek Banerjee also essay pivotal roles in the flick.