EAST HAM resident Imam Haque has raised £2,600 so far for the Hope Foundation, which supports street children and vulnerable communities in Kolkata, India through his '260km in 26 days' challenge.
Under the initiative, he plans to run 260km over 26 days around East London and raise as much as possible for the children, who have been devastated by the pandemic and Cyclone Amphan.
“The two natural calamities have made street connected children, vulnerable communities, migrant workers and daily labourers more at risk than ever, and now they are struggling for basic amenities like food and shelter," said Imam, who grew up in Kolkata.
“I strongly believe that if I help someone’s child today, someone will help my child someday.”
His brother, Zaid, who is currently living in Kolkata, visited one of Hope’s child protection projects to help distribute the aid to the children and support his brother’s fundraising efforts.
The Hope Foundation with the vision -a world where it should never hurt to be a child- provides emergency relief supplies to hundreds of families who are living in extremely difficult circumstances in Kolkata. So far, the charity has supported more than 40,000 people whose lives have been devastated by the twin disasters of the Covid-19 pandemic and Cyclone Amphan.
Since 1999, the Hope Foundation has impacted over 2.8 million lives throughout its programme areas in Kolkata.
To sponsor Iman visit totalgiving.co.uk/mypage/imam-haque