Actor Emraan Hashmi and filmmaker Kunal Deshmukh have announced a new project. The duo made the official announcement on the occasion of their first film Jannat (2008) turning 10 on May 21.
Though the makers have not revealed many details about the project, Deshmukh says that it will be an edge-of-the-seat thriller. "I'll give you a seat to watch this film but I promise you that you will only use the edge of it," he said in a statement.
Hashmi and Deshmukh have worked on four films before. Their last outing was Raja Natwarlal which hit screens in 2014. Their next venture will be highly awaited by fans as it brings the duo together after 4 years.
The untitled film will be produced by NR Pachisia and Emraan Hashmi’s production house. National Award-winning writer Shridhar Raghavan has been entrusted with the responsibility of writing the film.