On Thursday, several media outlets reported that actor Parth Samthaan, who plays the lead character of Mr. Anurag Basu on Ekta Kapoor’s hit serial Kasautii Zindagii Kay, has decided to walk out of the show in order to focus on his health and some Bollywood projects which have been in the pipeline for some time now. The actor had resumed shooting last week after winning his battle against COVID-19. He will reportedly shoot his final episode for the show around 10th September.
It has now emerged that his co-star Erica Fernandes is also planning to take the same route. She may put down her papers soon. Up until recently, she was shooting for the show from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Now it seems that the actress does not want to continue with the show anymore. She is also leaving the show to focus on other projects.
Though neither the makers nor the actors have announced their exit officially, some insiders reveal that the casting team at Balaji Telefilms has already begun their hunt for an actor to replace Parth Samthaan on Kasautii Zindagii Kay.
Interestingly, Samthaan and Fernandes will not be the first to be replaced on the popular show. Earlier, Hina Khan left the show for better prospects in Bollywood. She was replaced by Aamna Sharif. Recently, Karan Patel came onboard to step into the shoes of Mr. Bajaj, a character earlier played by actor Karan Singh Grover.
The TRP of Kasautii Zindagii Kay has seen a decline in the past few weeks. It remains to be seen what will be the fate of the show after its lead character bow out.