Last seen in Sony Entertainment Television’s Mere Dad Ki Dulhan, Fahmaan Khan has bagged a new show. The young actor will soon be seen playing the male lead in writer-producer Ved Raj’s upcoming show Apna Time Bhi Aayega. Khan has been paired opposite actress Anushka Sen. The show is set to air on ZEE TV soon.
Khan’s character in Mere Dad Ki Dulhan came to an end before the lockdown and now, he will be back on the small screen soon. The actor is quite thrilled about getting back to work after a long gap of five months. “It is a great feeling to be back at work, after a five-month-long break. I feel rejuvenated and motivated to get back on set and start shooting,” he says.
Spilling some beans on his character in Apna Time Bhi Aayega, Khan shares, “The character I am playing in this show is very different from the previous show I did. You all will see me in a completely new avatar and it is going to be a wonderful experience for me as an actor and I am really looking forward to this. Also, I have been training hard to get back into shape for this role, as the lockdown brought along with it a lot of time for me, to indulge in food, which, for the most part, was unhealthy! Grateful to be going back to work and getting started with this new adventure.”
The audience quite liked Khan’s chemistry with Anjali Tatrari in Mere Dad Ki Dulhan. It will be interesting to see what kind of response his chemistry with Anushka Sen generates when their new show goes on air on ZEE TV.
Apna Time Bhi Aayega is being produced by Shoonya Square Productions.
Stay tuned to Eastern Eye for more updates on the forthcoming show.