As Shah Rukh Khan turned 56 on Tuesday, industry friends and fans extended birthday wishes to the superstar while praising him for his grace, dignity and humanity. The actor is celebrating a quiet birthday with his family, which comes just days after his son Aryan Khan’s on bail on October 30 in drugs on cruise case. The 23-year-old was released after spending more than three weeks in jail following his arrest in a Narcotics Control Bureau raid on a cruise ship off the city coast.
There was no customary appearance by the superstar from the balcony of his bungalow for the second consecutive year and there were reports that said the actor and family were in Alibaug for the celebration while others stated that he was still in the city.
On Shah Rukh’s birthday, some of his die-hard fans turned up outside the actor’s residence in Mannat, which has been decked up with lights, to celebrate their favourite star’s birthday. His fans had also turned up in huge numbers to celebrate Aryan's homecoming on October 30 with fervour. Fans stood outside his Bandra residence to catch a glimpse of their star, who didn't step out on the balcony to express his gratitude, only deviating from his customary greetings due to the pandemic last year.
On social media, his friends and well-wishers from the Hindi film industry sent their best wishes. Filmmaker Karan Johar penned an emotional note for Khan and said to the world he may be the most charismatic and intelligent man but he has had the privilege of seeing a more humane side of the popular star. He reminisced meeting him on the sets of Karan Arjun (1995) for the first time when he tagged along with his late father Yash Johar to hang out with Kajol, not realising how Shah Rukh would shape his life and career.
“His charisma and intelligence is a globally known fact... but I have the privilege of witnessing his humanity and heart... an unmatchable father... a rock-solid husband... a loving brother and an indispensable friend... He is all that and so much more... Love you so much, Bhai... May every Mannat of yours get answered and the abundant love you rightfully deserve keep coming your way…. Happy birthday!” Johar said on Instagram.
Actor Madhuri Dixit Nene, who worked with Shah Rukh in many films including Dil To Pagal Hai (1997) and Devdas (2002), simply tweeted, “Happy birthday to the most humble and ever charming @iamsrk. May you live a long and happy life.”
Filmmaker Farhan Akhtar, who directed Shah Rukh in two Don films, hailed the superstar as "one of the kindest, empathetic, inclusive, large-hearted, wittiest and downright cool people".
Screenwriter Kanika Dhillon, who was among the few people to come out in support of Shah Rukh in recent times, also marked the day with a throwback photo with the superstar. "My 1st Boss in Mumbai! The one I learnt so much from... My introduction to the world of cinema! Thank you @iamsrk for teaching me the most beautiful lessons of dreaming big, taking risks, and to be unafraid of the unknown. Happy B'day to my first boss, and the one I love the most!” she wrote on Twitter.
Prior to Aryan Khan's arrest and later bail, Shah Rukh had begun filming for Siddharth Anand's film, reportedly titled Pathan. The film marks the actor's return after a hiatus of three years. Backed by YRF, the film also features Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. The actor has also started work on another film, being directed by noted South filmmaker Atlee Kumar.
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