The makers of Priyanka Chopra’s upcoming reality show The Activist have announced that they are changing the format of the competition series. The development comes after the show received widespread backlash for “monetization, commodification, and trivialisation” of activism.
Produced by CBS and Global Citizen, The Activist pitted activists against each other before a panel of celebrity judges. Their success would have been judged on the basis of their social media campaigns. Following the massive outrage from across the board, the makers have decided to change the format to a one-time documentary.
The makers of The Activist released a statement on September 15 to announce that the five-episode competition series will now be a documentary. “The Activist was designed to show a wide audience the passion, long hours, and ingenuity that activists put into changing the world, hopefully inspiring others to do the same. However, it has become apparent the format of the show as announced distracts from the vital work these incredible activists do in their communities every day. The push for global change is not a competition and requires a global effort,” the statement read.
“It will showcase the tireless work of six activists and the impact they have advocating for causes they deeply believe in. Each activist will be awarded a cash grant for the organisation of their choice, as was planned for the original show. We hope that by showcasing their work we will inspire more people to become more involved in addressing the world’s most pressing issues. We look forward to highlighting the mission and lives of each of these incredible people.”
Actor Priyanka Chopra, American singer-songwriter Usher, and Dancing with the Stars star Julianne Hough were onboard as judges in The Activist, which was announced last week set for premiere on October 22.
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