Television actor Gaurav Chopra has recently tied knot with close friend Hitisha Cheranda on February 18. The wedding was attended by only close family and friends in Delhi. In an interaction with a leading Indian daily, Gaurav said, "Well, it’s easy to remember the date that way. Gaali nahi padegi kyunki I won’t forget the day." Speaking about the mehendi ceremony, Gaurav said, "The highlight of the mehendi ceremony was my mother dancing with me. My parents are very happy and my father is suddenly looking five years younger."
Talking about why his marriage was a private affair, Gaurav said, "I have never hidden my relationships. I have gone to the world holding my beloved’s hand, but with time, I realized that it backfires. I am a private person now. The marriage was purely dedicated to my family. It was as traditional as it could get with me on a chariot in my baraat. I followed all the rituals as I was told. Main ek achhe bete ki tarah sab karta raha. Given a choice, I would have preferred a destination wedding, but it was always supposed to be a close-knit affair. It’s more of an arranged match and I fell for Hitisha’s simplicity."
He further mentioned that his mother brought him and his wife together by playing the role of a cupid. "The whole of last year went by taking care of my mother, as she was unwell. She wanted me to marry in a traditional manner and I decided to do it for her. Also, my other relatives would often wonder when I would tie the knot. They felt that I have become an actor, who gets linked to every co-actor he works with (laughs),” he said.
Talking about using the code word ‘High Court’ to refer Hitisha in Bigg Boss 10, Gaurav stated, "I didn’t try to hide it, as that means manipulating the truth. I was just keeping it private. The person I love should get her due respect and prominence of being the centre of my life. Every relationship deserves respect unless it’s a scandalous affair."
"I chose to become private about my relationship with Hitisha because of my past relationships. People still can’t stop talking about them. It’s not fair to both them and me, as we have all moved on in life. I may have been in a relationship for two years, but the break-up story continues to be written about for five years. Hitisha isn’t from the industry and it won’t be nice if she is compared to anyone, questioned, judged or speculated upon. She is a strong, beautiful and intelligent young lady, who should be judged for what she is and nothing else," Gaurav concluded.