A sequel to the well-received 2016 romantic-comedy, Happy Bhag Jayegi, which starred Diana Penty in the lead role, Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi has locked a date for its theatrical release. Directed by Mudassar Aziz, who had helmed the prequel also, the film will arrive in theatres on 24th August 2018.
The first part of the film was a runaway success at the cash counter, which led its makers to develop the film into a franchise. Soon, its sequel was announced with much fanfare. While Diana Penty, Jimmy Shergill and Ali Fazal have been retained in the sequel, Sonakshi Sinha and Punjabi actor-singer Jassie Gill are new entrants in the star cast.
“Turns out I’m not the only ‘Happy’ around, there’s one more on the run! Lace up @sonakshisinha, let’s get this started #HappyPhirrBhagJayegi - 24th August @ErosNow @cypplOfficial,” Diana tweeted on her handle.
Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi is produced by Aanand L Rai under Colour Yellow Productions' banner.