While the 21-day long lockdown imposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an effort to fight the Coronavirus pandemic has started taking a toll on several Bollywood celebrities, Saif Ali Khan is enjoying the long break exercising and doing some fun activities with his little son Taimur.
Talking to a popular tabloid, the actor says, “It is like a long voyage on a 19th century ship. You can see the land from afar, but you are separated from it by an expanse of water.” He goes on to add, “But it is important to know how to spend time at sea and adapt to the changes in lifestyle that comes from being shut in because even sailors suffer from cabin fever.”
When asked about how is he spending his days amid the lockdown, he reveals, “I wake up early and get some exercise in. Fortunately, we have a treadmill at home and I am coaxing Kareena (Kapoor, wife and prominent Bollywood actress) to give me some yoga lessons. Chasing my kid (Taimur) around the house is also a good workout.”
The National Film Award-winning actor is also imparting some gardening skills to his son. “I remember my grandmother pruning and grafting roses. Now, I am the one explaining the concept of growing plants to Taimur, teaching him how to press the seeds into the mud in the pots and pour water, and then wait for the seedlings to peep out with surprised delight. Today, we planted tomatoes; it is all very nice and peaceful. With both parents around all the time, my son is having a blast,” Khan says in conclusion.
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