Multi-talented Himesh Reshammiya’s forthcoming film Happy Hardy And Heer has locked a date for its theatrical release. Produced by Deepshikha Deshmukh and Sabita Manakchand and directed by Raka, the romantic film will enter theatres on 3rd January, 2020. The trailer of the much-awaited movie will be unveiled in 12 cities of India with Happy Hardy And Heer concerts from November.
Singer-composer-actor Himesh Reshammiya and him team will be travelling to each 12 cities to launch the trailer of the film through massive concerts. This new promotional strategy has been adopted for the very first time for any film.
The songs of Happy hardy And Heer have already mesmerized music lovers. The song ‘Teri Meri Kahani’ has turned out to be an epic success for the makers much before the release of the film. The singer-composer-actor has also remixed one of his megahits ‘Ashiqui Mein Teri, which will also be released soon.
Talking about the film and the success of its music, Himesh Reshammiya says, “I am very happy with the way the music has worked for the film. Happy Hardy And Heer is a beautiful love story, and I am very happy with the film too which will release on 3rd January 2020. I will reveal the trailer at the concerts in November and it is going to be a very new experience promoting the film differently by interacting with the audience with a one to one connection. Since the songs of Happy Hardy And Heer are hits it is going to be fun performing to the blockbuster hit song and it’s remix of ‘Teri Meri Kahani’ with my team with a live audience and also ‘Heeriye’ and recreated version of ‘Ashiqui Mein Teri 2.0’.”
Produced by Deepshikha Deshmukh and Sabita Manakchand and directed by Raka, Happy Hardy And Heer is scheduled to buzz into theatres on 3rd January, 2020.