After months of wait and endless speculations in media, the sequel to Dinesh Vijan’s superhit film Hindi Medium (2017) will finally mount the shooting floor next week in the state of Rajasthan, India. Award-winning actor Irrfan Khan, who is absolutely fine after undergoing treatment for cancer in London, will also join the team for the first schedule of the movie.
According to reports, Khan is already in Rajasthan for a personal commitment. He will start shooting for the film next week. Joining him on the cast will be actress Radhika Madan, who has been roped in to play his onscreen daughter in the flick.
A source close to the development reveals, “Irrfan and Radhika started prep a while ago and are looking forward to kick-off the first schedule in Rajasthan. It’s an important portion after which they will take off for the international schedule. It was initially planned to be set in the US, but will now take place in London for which the team recently conducted a recce.”
Talking about the female lead opposite Irrfan Khan, buzz has it that Kareena Kapoor Khan has been finalized. However, the makers are yet to make any official announcement regarding the same. The actress is expected to join the cast after finishing Dharma Productions’ Good News, opposite Akshay Kumar.
As far as the title of the sequel is concerned, some insiders reveal that the makers have locked English Medium, instead of Hindi Medium 2, as the official title of the comic-caper. An official announcement is expected to be made soon.