Shah Rukh Khan fans are on cloud nine as they get to see the megastar on the silver screen after a massive gap of 42 months. Last seen in his home production Zero, which also featured Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma in lead roles, Khan can be currently seen in R Madhavan's directorial debut, Rocketry: The Nambi Effect, which opened in cinemas on July 1.
The much-talked-about film, which is a biographical drama film based on the life of Nambi Narayanan, a former scientist and aerospace engineer of the Indian Space Research Organisation, who was accused in the ISRO espionage case and later exonerated, sees SRK in a cameo appearance. And Twitter is flooded with fan reactions.
"Within a few seconds of his role, he has reminded us once again that the actor in Shah Rukh Khan still lives,” wrote a fan of SRK.
Within few seconds of his role, he has reminded us once again that the actor in Shah Rukh Khan still lives.
— ??????? ♛ 2.0 (@iSoldier___) July 1, 2022
Another fan wrote, “Shah Rukh Khan's cameo in Rocketry: The Nambi Effect shows how impactful his presence is no matter how long or short is the duration.”
shah rukh khan s cameo in #RocketryTheNambiEffect shows how impactful his presence is no matter how long or short is the duration!
— alina. (@SRKsdaily) July 1, 2022
Another tweet read, “Shah Rukh Khan's presence in anything can make that thing look 100 times better! King for a reason! Glad to see him on big screens back. doesn't matter the duration.”
SHAH RUKH KHAN presence in anything can make that thing look 100 times better! king for a reason! glad to see him on big screens back. doesn’t matter the duration.#Rocketry
— . (@_itzritz_) July 1, 2022
“Die or admit Shah Rukh Khan's 10 minutes cameo in Rocketry The Nambi Effect is better than some people's whole career,” wrote another fan.
Die or admit Shah Rukh Khan's 10 minutes cameo in #RocketryTheNambiEffect is better than some people's whole career.
— m. (@MaryaSays_) July 1, 2022
A diehard fan of SRK summed up his cameo: “Small role, big wonder. Shah Rukh Khan makes you emotional with his short role His magic his aura is so realistic, his magnetic performance moist your eyes that's how beautiful an actor he is.”
“After 42 months,184 weeks, 1288 days, 30898 hours, 1853901 minutes, 111234082 seconds. Watching Shah Rukh Khan on the big screen. Madhavan, thank you,” wrote another diehard fan.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan is waiting for the release of his much-anticipated film Pathaan, co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film is scheduled to release on January 25, 2023.