An employee walks in front of ‘The Hive’, a 17 metre high, 40 tonne installation by British artist Wolfgang Buttress at Kew Gardens, in London.
Composed of nearly 170,000 pieces of aluminium, The Hive was the centrepiece for the UK pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015 and has returned home to be installed at Kew. The structure has been created to resemble a bees hive which is controlled by the moment of honeybees in a actual hive that is connected to the sculpture.
Wolfgang Buttress is a multi award winning artist working with public and private space. His latest design was created and built by engineers Simmonds Studio, architectural practice BDP and York-based Stage One. The Hive, which cost £6m, and whose theme was feeding the planet won the gold-medal for best pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015.