Released on 12th July, Hrithik Roshan’s latest film Super 30 has turned out to be a box-office hit within a week of hitting theatres. Based on the eventful life of noted mathematician Anand Kumar, the biographical drama has been doing phenomenal business ever since entering theatres, taking its total tally to an impressive ₹ 80.36 crore so far.
After his last film Kaabil, which hit screens in 2017, Super 30 is also set to be a mega-hit for the superstar. As we all know that Roshan worked on the project assiduously for close to two years and now when the audience has rewarded him with excellent response for his performance, he is obviously ecstatic.
Talking about the success of the film and the best compliment which he received for his performance in it, Hrithik Roshan told an Indian daily, “It is always a great feeling when you are applauded for your work. The best compliment came in only a couple of days back, from the man himself. I wasn’t there at the screening when Anand sir watched the film. So recently, when he was patched in with Nandish (Singh, co-star) and me in a TV interview from Patna, he gave me his feedback and I screamed out of happiness. There can be no better validation than this to my work.”
Reacting to Anand Kumar’s recent revelation about his tumour, Roshan said, “I got to know about it very recently, and was taken aback and shocked by the news. We interacted on so many occasions in these last two years but he never mentioned it to me. I just hope and pray that he gets well soon.”
After the super success of Super 30, Hrithik Roshan is now looking forward to the release of his next film titled War. Produced by Yash Raj Films, War is an action entertainer, also featuring Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor in lead roles. The movie is set to enter theatres on 2nd October, 2019.