Superstar Hrithik Roshan, who was last seen in the Sanjay Gupta directed film, Kaabil, is quite excited about his next movie, Super 30. The latest update on the keenly awaited project is that the Dhoom 2 star will commence shooting for the first schedule of the movie in Varanasi from next month.
Since the film is inspired from the life of renowned Bihar based mathematician Anand Kumar, the makers wanted to shoot the film in Bihar. However, keeping the security concerns of the cast and crew in mind, they decided to shoot in the city of Varanasi.
"Producer Madhu Mantena and director Vikas Bahl wanted to shoot in Patna, but the practical impossibility of controlling crowds in Bihar obstructed this urge to be authentic. So now, Hrithik will shoot with Bahl and television actress Mrunal Thakur, who plays his wife, in Varanasi," says a well-placed source.
Reportedly, Anand Kumar will also be present during the Varanasi schedule of the film. “In fact, Anand will also be joining the Super 30 team in Varanasi for a brief while. The entire film will be made under his supervision,” adds the source.
Bankrolled by Phantom Films, Super 30 is being helmed by Vikash Bahl. The film is slated to release on 23rd November this year.
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