2022 turned out to be a disastrous year for Bollywood with several high-profile films featuring A-list actors falling flat at the box office. The South Indian film industry, on the other hand, witnessed terrific growth, especially the Kannada film industry by delivering back-to-back success with Yash starrer KGF: Chapter 2 and Rishab Shetty starrer Kantara.
In a recent interview with a news portal, Yash accepted the fact that the thunderous success of his film, KGF: Chapter 2 has put the Kannada film industry on the map this year. However, he also urged the people of Kannada to put down any other industry.
“I don’t want the people of Karnataka to put any other industry down, because we have faced the same problem when everyone treated us the same way. We have worked hard to get that respect. After that, we cannot start disrespecting anyone. We should respect everybody. Respect Bollywood. Forget this north and south,” Yash said.
The actor further added, “It’s not a good development when people start ridiculing Bollywood saying, ‘They are nothing’. It’s just a phase. They have taught us so many things.”
When asked why he avoided celebrating the rousing success of KGF 2 on social media and by going on an interview spree, he said, “I don’t believe in going out and talking about yourself. There’s a saying, ‘If you are a king, and you are going and saying you are a king, then you are not a king’. Anybody who has success, or is doing really great in life, I don’t have to go out and show that they’re successful. People will know it.”
He added, “I’m not somebody who’s going to say that I have arrived, or try to encash on this success. I’m somebody who is not built for administration. I am somebody who is built to conquer. I will go out and do something that gives me excitement. It’s okay if I die fighting, but I’m somebody who will be fighting.”
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