INDIA on Sunday (7) told the UN climate summit in Glasgow that its solar energy capacity was about 45 gigawatts and reiterated that although the country represents 17 per cent of the global population, its historical cumulative emissions are only four per cent of the total.
Making a statement on behalf of India, JR Bhatt, adviser and scientist in the ministry of environment, said, “India is particularly vulnerable to climate change. However, India is nevertheless taking several mitigation actions, spanning across the entire economy and society and has progressively continued decoupling of its economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions.”
There were questions about India's efforts to combat climate change, including the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI). It responded by saying disaster risk was increasing in developing countries, and sought enhanced international cooperation.
On a question about forest cover, India said people's participation played an important role in enhancing its forest cover.
“Between 2015 and 2019, the forest and tree cover increased by 13,031 square km and mangrove cover increased by 235 square km. Populations of Asiatic lion, elephant, rhino increased manifold in the last five to six years,” according to India's statement.
“We emphasise that India is particularly vulnerable to climate change, a point which many friends overlook in their eagerness to understand our mitigation efforts.
“To follow a sustainable path to development, India has taken several mitigation actions. There is no sector that has been left untouched while planning and implementing climate mitigation actions. They span across the entire economy and society,” it added.
The discussion took place as India gave a presentation on its third Biennial Update Report (BUR) during the 11th Facilitative Sharing of Views (FSV) at the ongoing COP26 climate summit. The report was submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in February.