Versatile Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, who was busy promoting his forthcoming film Blackmail, on Monday surprised his fans and well-wishers by announcing that he is suffering from a rare disease. The actor added that he will disclose more details about the disease once a conclusive diagnosis is made.
In an emotional Twitter post, the National Award winning actor said that he and his family were shaken when they came to know about his illness.
"Sometimes you wake up with a jolt with life shaking you up. The last fifteen days, my life has been a suspense story. Little had I known that my search for rare stories would make me find a rare disease. I have never given up and have always fought for my choices and always will. My family and friends are with me and we are working it out the best way possible. In trying times, please don't speculate as I will myself share with you my story within a week - ten days, when the further investigations come with a conclusive diagnosis. Till then, wish the best for me," Irrfan wrote.
On February 21, Irrfan’s spokesperson had issued a statement, saying that the actor has been diagnosed with a severe case of jaundice. The very next day, filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, who was set to begin his next film with Irrfan and Deepika Padukone, took to Twitter to announce that he has postponed the project due to health issues of his lead actors.