The tinsel town of Bollywood is buzzing with a lot of rumours regarding filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's next Gangubai. While Alia Bhatt is almost confirmed to essay the title role, some insiders reveal that Ranveer Singh will make a cameo appearance in the movie. The duo was last seen together in Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy (2019) which has been selected as India's official entry for 92nd Oscars.
However, if a report published on a popular entertainment portal is to be believed, these rumours are untrue as Singh has not agreed to do a cameo in the film. The actor has not even been approached for a role in Gangubai.
“Alia’s film with SLB has never had Ranveer in the mix. So, there is no question of him doing a cameo in this project. SLB and Ranveer are the most loved, most successful and most acclaimed director-actor combinations of this era. The trade and audience are waiting in anticipation to know when they will join forces again,” a source close to the development reveals.
For the unversed, Gangubai is based on the life of a woman who worked in the red-light area of Kamathipura, Mumbai. Named Gangubai Kothewali, she was forced into prostitution at an early age and then went onto become a notorious gangster. Gangubai is said to have transformed the lives of many women in the flesh trade.
The film Gangubai is going to be the replacement of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Inshallah which got shelved after superstar Salman Khan exited the project at the last moment. Alia Bhatt was set to play the female lead in Inshallah. However, when the film got stalled, Bhansali offered Gangubai to Bhatt.
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