Starring Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor in lead roles, Roohi Afzana is one of the most-awaited movies of 2020. The film, produced by Dinesh Vijan of Maddock Films, is a horror-comedy set in a small-town of Uttar Pradesh. While Rajkummar Rao has previously starred in a successful horror-comedy called Stree (2018), Janhvi Kapoor is attempting the genre for the first time, though so early in her career.
While Roohi Afzana is still a few months away from its theatrical release, it has already started creating excitement among the audience. People are really looking forward to seeing Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor together and that too in a horror-comedy. Recently, the makers dropped a still from the film, which received great response from the audience.
Janhvi Kapoor, who is just one film old, is psyched up about working with the National Award-winning actor Rajkummar Rao. Showering praises on her co-star, the actress said in a recent interview that he is extremely giving and loves every aspect of filmmaking.
“He is a very giving actor. He loves every aspect of filmmaking and it really shows in his performance,” said the newcomer who joined the Hindi film industry with Dharma Productions’ tragic tale of love, Dhadak (2018).
Kapoor, who is the daughter of late veteran actress Sridevi, plays a double role in Roohi Afzana. Talking about the same, she said, “Not many actors get a chance to play a character loaded with duality so early on in their career.”
A couple of days ago, Rajkummar Rao had also praised Janhvi for being extremely talented and very hardworking.
Directed by Hardik Mehta, Roohi Afzana also features Varun Sharma in an important role. The movie is scheduled for release on 5th June 2020.
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