Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor will headline Ulajh, a film billed as a patriotic thriller, the makers announced Wednesday. Directed by National Award winner Sudhanshu Saria and produced by Junglee Pictures, the movie also stars Gulshan Devaiah and Roshan Mathew.
Set in the prestigious and intriguing world of Indian Foreign Services (IFS), Ulajh follows the journey of a young IFS officer, played by Kapoor, belonging to a prominent family of patriots, who gets embroiled in a dangerous personal conspiracy while far from her home turf, at a career-defining post.
Kapoor, who was last seen in Mili, said she was instantly drawn to the unique story of Ulajh.
“When I was approached with the script of Ulajh it instantly attracted me because as an actor, I am constantly looking for scripts that make me break out of my comfort zone and portraying a character based in the celebrated world of the Indian Foreign Services was just that,” the 26-year-old actor said in a statement.
The script of Ulajh is penned by Saria and Parveez Shaikh, with dialogues by Atika Chohan.
Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Gupta and Jitendra Joshi also round out the cast of the film.
Saria, whose credits include Loev and the upcoming Sanaa, said he is thrilled to collaborate with Junglee Pictures on an "original" film.
“In Janhvi Kapoor, the film has found its beating heart and it’s going to be a treat for audiences to watch her spar with thespians like Rajesh Tailang and Sachin Khedekar, maverick actors like Gulshan Devaiah, Roshan Matthews and Meiyang Chang. We have a rollercoaster of a ride planned for our audience and I can’t wait to start rolling cameras on Ulajh,” the director added.
Amrita Pandey, CEO Junglee Pictures, said the aim of the banner is to develop, create films, and team up with people, who have a fresh and distinct voice to captivate and entertain the audience.
“Having Sudhanshu on board for a film like Ulajh is a perfect fit. His creative sensibilities are unmatched, he has added nuances and layers to each character which has made the story so gripping.
"Getting together such a talented ensemble cast, in the unexplored world of IFS has been an invigorating experience. We also have a team of celebrated and experienced writers and technicians who are contributing to the film, making it an incredible team effort,” Pandey said.
Ulajh will go on floors by the end of the month.
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