Jio Studios and Vishesh Films have partnered to produce a webseries, revolving around the relationship between a struggling filmmaker and a high-profile actress of the 70s. The makers have roped in Amala Paul, Tahir Raj Bhasin and Amrita Puri to play central characters in the series.
Amala Paul is a well-known South Indian actress who has worked in all popular South Indian languages including Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. She is set to make her Hindi debut with upcoming series. The actress will essay the role of the female superstar, while Tahir is set to play the upcoming filmmaker head over heals in love with her. The yet to be titled webseries is being directed by Pushpdeep Bhardwaj. He also makes his digital debut with it.
Talking about the webseries, acclaimed filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt says, “I trust the magic of a new beginning in the digital world. Our first web show goes on floors with Amala, Tahir and Amrita, and our talented director Pushpdeep Bhardwaj.”
In his tweet, he wrote, “A perfect beginning. Happy partnering with Jio Studios on our digital debut! A dramatic webseries based in 70s’ Bollywood exploring the relationship of a struggling filmmaker and a top actress of that era! The greatest location in the world is the human heart.”
The team at Jio Studios also shared their excitement with a tweet. "Delighted to announce our collaboration with master storytellers Vishesh Films for web series based on a dramatic love story set in 70s Bollywood that explores the highs and lows of the relationship between a married struggling filmmaker and a top actress of that time,” read the tweet on their official Twitter handle.
More details are awaited.