Hindi film actor John Abraham, who was last seen in the Milap Zaveri-directed vigilant action drama Satyamev Jayate (2018), has announced a new project titled 1911. The movie will be a sports drama revolving around what has been touted as one of India’s most historic matches, dating back to 1911.
Abraham will play the role of Shibdas Bhaduri, who captained the winning team. The movie will be helmed by filmmaker Nikkhil Advani, who is currently directing Abraham for their forthcoming project Batla House, set to release next year on 15th August.
1911 will be a part of the deal which John Abraham recently signed with Nikkhil Advani and T-Series head honcho Bhushan Kumar. Under the deal, the trio will make 6 films which will be directed by different directors in 2019 and 2020.
The first of this deal is 1911. Headlined by Abraham, the sports drama mounts the shooting floors in November 2019 and will be shot over three months in Kolkata. The makers are eyeing for a mid-2020 release for the movie.
Talking about the new project, Abraham says, “What makes 1911 special is that it is not just about the coach, the players or even the game, it’s also about India’s freedom struggle. Like with Parmanu (2018), the idea is to educate in an entertaining way so viewers walk out of the theatre saying, ‘Wow, I didn’t know this!’
Nikkhil Advani adds, “I’ve been wanting to make a film set in Kolkata, talking about its people, culture and heritage. 1911 is even better because it moves beyond Bengal to encompass all of India and its history. It’s a huge responsibility to tell this story right as it’s almost folklore to the people of Bengal as well as it’s so close to John. I’m thrilled he thinks that I will be able to do it justice.”