John Abraham and Manoj Bajpayee are set to star together in a dark thriller which will be directed by Milap Zaveri. The film will be bankrolled by Nikkhil Advani and the shoot of the same has commenced recently. It is reported that Aisha Sharma, who is the younger sister of Tum Bin 2 actress Neha Sharma, will be the leading lady opposite John Abraham in the film.
In an interaction with a leading Indian daily, Aisha who has been into modeling for 5 years stated, "As an outsider in this industry, your choices are important as you don’t get a second chance. So, I’d been waiting for the right project and it’ll be overwhelming to share screen space with John and Manoj sir."
She further said, "They saw the tape and really liked it. I remember my first meeting with Nikkhil sir. I walked into his office, saw that he was in a meeting and went straight into the conference room as it was the only empty room. He later joked, ‘You stroll in and take over my office’, to which I retorted that he couldn’t bully a newbie,” laughs Aisha, quick to add that she is not just a pretty face in the film but stands up for a cause and has a mind of her own. She plays a vet and loves animals in real life too. “My dog, Joy, is like a sibling and I have her name tattooed on my hand."
Aisha will kick start the shoot for the film from March 18, 2018.
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