After Satyamev Jayate, filmmaker Nikkhil Advani and John Abrahan are joining hands once again for an upcoming film, titled Batla House. To be written by renowned screenwriter Ritesh Shah, the movie is based on the 2008 Operation Batla House held in India's National capital of New Delhi. John plays cop Sanjeev Kumar Yadav in the movie, who led the encounter.
“Sanjeev Kumar Yadav wanted a physically and mentally strong actor and John fits the bill. With a little light on him and a flash of those dimples, John stands out in a crowd. The biggest challenge will be to make him blend in,” Nikkhil says when asked about roping in John Abraham for the role.
John says that he is yet to meet Advani, but what he has heard about the story, he is looking forward to working on the film. “We have yet to meet, but I’ve been devouring all the material on him, and from what I’ve read, he seems like a humble man with an interesting back-story,”
The film goes on floors in September this year. It will be shot across Lucknow, Jaipur, Delhi, Mumbai and Nepal.
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