If reports are to be believed, yet another sequel to a popular Bollywood film is on the cards. According to sources, filmmaker Sriram Raghavan, who last directed one of the best films of 2018 – Andhadhun – is planning a sequel to his critically and commercially successful thriller Johnny Gaddaar (2007).
However, the makers will not name it Johnny Gaddaar 2 due to copyright issues. If the project materializes, it will be called Monica...Oh, My Darling and will have a retro feel to it, just like most of Raghavan’s films.
Talking to an Indian daily, a source reveals, “It is a new subject and the film is called Monica...Oh, My Darling. The film has a retro feel to it, just like how all of Sriram Raghavan’s subjects are. Producer Sheel Kumar, who has backed films like Pink (2016), will be spearheading the project.”
As far as the direction of the film is concerned, fans may feel a little disheartened to know that Sriram Raghavan will not helm it. He will pass the directorial baton to some other director. He may, however, co-produce it.
Johnny Gaddaar launched the acting career of Neil Nitin Mukesh and was one of the most successful films of 2007. It has gained a cult following over the years. It will be really interesting to see if its sequel matches up to its huge popularity among cinephiles.