Actress Kajal Aggarwal, who predominantly works in Tamil and Telugu films but has also acted in a couple of Hindi movies, is on the verge of bagging an international project. According to reports, she is in talks with the makers of the big-budget film which will be a bilingual shot in Telugu and English. Buzz has it that filmmaker Vishnu Manchu put her name forward to the Hollywood director who is set to call the shots for the project.
Spilling some more details, a source in the know tells an Indian daily that the actress is already in talks with the makers and is likely to sign the project on the dotted line soon. “The talks are in their advanced stage. Kajal Aggarwal is super happy with the script and the magnitude of the project. She’s likely to sign the dotted lines soon. Apparently, the actress will be sporting a never-seen-before look, a far cry from the roles she has played earlier and the looks she has sported so far,” says the source.
As of now, there is no detail on the plotline of the film. However, it has been reported that Vishnu Manchu will co-produce the project under his own banner VMR Entertainment. More details are expected to arrive soon.
Talking about the upcoming projects of Kajal Aggarwal, the talented actress will next be seen in Ramesh Aravind’s coming-of-age film, Paris Paris, which is an official remake of blockbuster Hindi movie, Queen (2014), featuring Kangana Ranaut in the lead role. Ranaut even won the National Film Award for her outstanding performance in the Vikas Bahl directorial. Her next release will be Comali and Telugu crime thriller, Ranarangam.
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