Pan-India actress Kajal Aggarwal on Saturday wrapped up her upcoming Bollywood film Uma. The film went on floors on July 5. The start-to-finish shoot took place in the city of Kolkata, keeping all coronavirus related protocols in consideration.
Directed by Tathagata Singha and produced by Avishek Ghosh and Mantraraj Paliwal, the slice-of-life film is set in an aristocratic household with a wedding backdrop where the entire family assembles. The drama unfolds through the multifaceted characters in the house with the arrival of a stranger Uma.
Aggarwal, whose last Hindi film was Mumbai Saga (2021), said that working on Uma has been one of the most memorable experiences. “My director Tathagata Singha, producer Avishek Ghosh, all the artists and technicians were wonderful. There are certain characters that just stay with you and Uma is going to leave me with a massive, beautiful hangover,” she said.
The actress went on to add, “This is one film which is all heart, I am very excited about and will always cherish.”
In addition to Aggarwal, Uma also features Tinnu Anand, Harsh Chhaya, Meghana Malik, Gaurav Sharma, Shriswara and Ayoshi Talukdar in important roles. The makers are yet to announce the official release date of the film.
Apart from Uma, Kajal Aggarwal has a slew of other exciting projects under her belt. In Indian 2, she pairs with Kamal Haasan. The Tamil-language film also features Rakul Preet Singh and Siddharth in lead roles. The actress also headlines the much-awaited Telugu film Acharya, alongside superstar Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, and Pooja Hegde. Hey Sinamika, Ghosty, Karungaapiyam, and Paris Paris are some of her other projects.
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