Seasoned Bollywood actress Kajol can be currently seen in Salaam Venky (2022), an emotional drama film that features her in the role of a mother to a 24-year-old terminally-ill son. While a number of actresses from the 90s have started accepting mothers’ roles without any hesitations, their male co-stars such as Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan are still romancing actresses much younger than them on the screen.
When Kajol was recently asked about the same, she said, “I think the heroes of our film industry, in fact, feel they are in this nut for a reason. And the reason is that the film industry is a business at the end of the day. Whatever you do at the end of the business, every hero has to pull in that much to make that film a hit. It is a huge responsibility on their heads.” She made it clear that this is her opinion and not a fact.
She added, “Somebody asked me this question, ‘You have grown as an actor and your contemporaries have not grown as diverse as the roles that you have done’. I think that really has to do with the fact that they are also stuck down the line because of the number game. They are shouldering that responsibility.”
It has not been long since superstar Akshay Kumar faced criticism for romancing much younger Manushi Chhillar in Yash Raj Films’ lavishly-mounted historical drama Samrat Prithviraj. Responding to the criticism, the actor had said, “That’s because they are jealous. I can work with them. Do I look 55? I don’t understand the problem. They just get jealous and keep on writing it. Some media people will write, and some trolling will happen. Who cares?”
Meanwhile, Kajol will next be seen in an upcoming streaming show titled The Good Wife, which is an official Indian adaptation of the American courtroom drama of the same name.
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