Bollywood star Kajol, who is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Salaam Venky, recently shared how she reacts to online trolls who attack her 19-year-old daughter Nysa Devgan.
“I feel trolling has become a very strange part of social media. It has become 75 percent. If you are trolled, you are noticed. If you are trolled, you are famous. It’s like you are not famous till you are trolled,” she said during an interview with an Indian publication.
The award-winning actress admitted that as a mother it affects her. However, she has also noticed how most people have supportive things to say on social media.
“I will be stupid and I will be idiotic to say that it does not affect me but yes there is a certain level that you can take it seriously. Because I have actually gone and checked that all these articles on trolling. If 100 people are saying good things, there are 2 people who have said something bad, but the bad ones are highlighted,” she said.
Kajol went on to add that she tells her daughter to look into the brighter side instead of focusing on the negative. “I tell her the same thing. If one person is saying something bad about you, there are 10,000 people who think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. And most important of all what do you see in the mirror?” she said.
Produced by Suraj Singh and Shraddha Agrawal through their banners, Blive Productions and RTake Studios respectively, Salaam Venky is directed by actor-filmmaker Revathi. In addition to Kajol, the upcoming film also stars Vishal Jethwa in an important role.
Salaam Venky is slated to hit cinemas on December 9, 2023.
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