Known for playing a series of unconventional roles with panache, Bollywood actress Kalki Koechlin is now in the family way. Yes, you heard it absolutely right! The talented actress shared the good news at the recently concluded GQ Awards. Koechlin revealed that she and boyfriend Guy Hershberg are expecting their first baby. She is five months pregnant and is looking forward to motherhood.
Talking about this new chapter in her life, Koechlin said, “Motherhood began with my brother, who is much younger than I am. I remember watching him come home from school one day – he must have been seven or eight – with a project on climate change and thinking ‘this is such a renewal of innocence’. Children take us back to the basics; remind us of what is important. Also, just wanting to experience pregnancy, of feeling this life grow inside you.”
The actress and her boyfriend have also decided on the name for their baby. “I have chosen a name that works for either gender and that is representative of a gay person, because I want my child to have that freedom of movement under the many umbrellas of gender that we have,” said the actress.
“I already feel the changes in the way I react to things. I am more deliberate, slower, more patient. When motherhood comes eventually, it brings with it a new consciousness to your sense of person. I still want to work but it is less about the rat race and more about nurturing oneself through one’s work. It becomes about infusing concentration and energy inward,” she said in conclusion.
Kalki Koechlin is due to deliver the baby in the month of December.
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