Sushant Singh Rajput’s tragic demise has started a lot of discussions in the Bollywood industry. Kangana Ranaut had posted a video after the actor died by suicide. She claimed that Sushant took this step as Bollywood didn’t give him his due as an actor and cornered him.
The actress had recently also slammed Mahesh Bhatt and Mukesh Bhatt for stating that Sushant was going Parveen Babi way. And now, Kangana has made one more revelation that once Javed Akhtar told her that if she doesn’t apologise to Hrithik Roshan, she will have to commit suicide.
Kangana revealed, "Once Javed Akhtar had called me to his house and told me that Rakesh Roshan and his family are very big people. If you don’t apologise to them, you will have nowhere to go. They will put you in jail, and eventually, the only path would be that of destruction…you will commit suicide. These were his words. Why did he think if I don’t apologise to Hrithik Roshan, I would have to commit suicide? He shouted and yelled at me. I was shaking in his house.”
"Were there people calling Sushant? Were there people putting such thoughts into his mind? I have no idea, but obviously, he was in a similar situation. In his interviews, he had said that nepotism cannot co-exist with talent because they don’t allow the right talent to come up. I can relate to it, and hence I am raising questions. I want to know who played the catalyst in this situation?” the actress added.
Sushant was earlier managed by YRF Talent, a talent management agency owned by Aditya Chopra. Talking about Aditya Chopra, Kangana stated, "I know Sushant had a big fallout with Aditya Chopra also. When I refused Sultan, he had threatened he would never work with me. Ever since our industry ganged up on me. I remember so many times feeling really lonely and feeling what will happen to me… Why do these privileged people have the power to say that they will never work with someone? It’s your choice if you want or not to work with someone, but why announce it to the world, gang up and make this happen! These privileged lots need to be questioned. They have blood on their hands. They need to answer, and I am ready to go to any extent to expose these people because enough is enough!”
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