Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing up for the theatrical release of her next film Thalaivii, has said that when the makers approached her to play the former actress and Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa in her biopic, she had various doubts about whether or not she would be able to pull off the character.
“I thought I was the worst casting for Thalaivii, the worst there can be. Vijayendra (writer KV Vijayendra Prasad) sir actually came with the script to me and I saw Jaya Amma’s videos and I was like, ‘What?’ Like, I have an angular face with a strong jaw and Jaya Amma has a different kind of face. She is a beautiful, voluptuous woman and she is a Bharatanatyam dancer and she speaks Tamil,” the actress said in an interview.
Talking about having reservations about gaining weight for the role, Ranaut said, “The sheer obstacles in my 30s to gain 20-25 kgs of weight… Who knows how I will look after gaining? Will I even be attractive? There were so many doubts that I had.” However, she added, director AL Vijay convinced her that she was the perfect fit for the role.
“Journey back to my fit body was not easy. I feel good but even in seven months not I have not been able to achieve my earlier stamina and agility back and those last 5 kgs aren’t budging. There are moments of despair and then my director Vijay sir shows me Thalaivii footage and all seems fine,” she said in conclusion.
Produced by ZEE Studios, Vibri Motion Pictures, Karma Media & Entertainment, Gothic Entertainment, and Sprint Films, Thalaivii is poised for its theatrical bow on September 10, 2021.
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