Kantara, a highly successful pan-Indian blockbuster directed by Rishab Shetty in 2022, is gearing up for its prequel. Known as Kantara 2, this upcoming film will serve as a prelude to its predecessor, delving into the backstory of the deity and exploring the significance of the village.
Rishab Shetty, working from his hometown where the original film was set, is ambitiously developing the story of Kantara on a grand scale. He is deeply involved in the project, undergoing intensive training in horse riding and Kalari Payattu.
While the cast for the Kantara prequel remains undisclosed, Rishab is collaborating once again with composer Ajaneesh Loknath and cinematographer Arvind Kashyap.
Filming for the movie is scheduled to begin in September, although the official announcement regarding the finalization is still pending.
Kantara became a global box office phenomenon, Rishab, who served as director, writer, and actor for the film, demonstrated his strong and in-depth eye as a storyteller.
Rishab demonstrated the power of good content that can transcend everyone and is always adored by the audience by bringing a narrative from the heartlands of India.
Meanwhile, Rishab Shetty is looking forward to taking the audience back to the roots with the prequel in line with Kantara.