Karan Johar and Ekta Kapoor, who have been ruling Indian showbusiness for close to two decades now, are gearing up to collaborate for the first time ever. According to reports, Karan has decided to co-produce one of Ekta Kapoor’s next production ventures, titled Ek Villain 2.
As the title suggests itself, Ek Villain 2 is a sequel to Kapoor’s 2014 film Ek Villain. The movie, starring Sidharth Malhotra and Shraddha Kapoor, was an instant hit at the box-office, clocking over ₹ 100 crores domestically. Speculations about a sequel to it have been there for years, but the project was confirmed only a few months back by director Mohit Suri, who will return to helm the sequel.
Karan and Ekta will jointly bankroll the film under Dharma Productions and Balaji Motion Pictures respectively. This will mark their first collaboration. Talking about the star cast of the film, Sidharth Malhotra, who played the male lead in Ek Villain, has been roped in to headline the movie, while the makers are still looking for the female lead.
According to credible sources, the work on the script is still on. The makers will officially announce the film once everything is locked. It is expected to mount the shooting floor by year-end.