Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar has announced the launch of Ibrahim Ali Khan, son of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, reigniting conversations around nepotism in the industry. Ibrahim is set to make his acting debut in Dharma Productions' Sarzameen, directed by Kayoze Irani.
Karan took to Instagram to share the news, posting images of Ibrahim and recalling his long-standing bond with the Khan family. He reminisced about meeting Amrita Singh when he was 12 and praised her presence on screen, adding that her warmth and grace extend to her children. Similarly, he recalled his first meeting with Saif Ali Khan, describing him as charismatic and effortless—qualities he sees in Ibrahim as well.
Having known the family for 40 years, Karan emphasised their deep-rooted connection to cinema, stating that "films are in their blood and genes." While many in the industry congratulated Ibrahim on his debut, social media erupted with mixed reactions. Some users celebrated his entry into Bollywood, while others criticised the industry's pattern of favouring star kids over outsiders. Comments like “Nepotism at its peak” and “Another launch, another debate” flooded online discussions.
Adding to the attention, some users humorously compared Karan Johar’s obsession with legacy and lineage to Salazar Slytherin from Harry Potter, pointing out how he repeatedly emphasises family connections in his casting choices. Others questioned whether talent or just background determines success in Bollywood.
Ibrahim has previously worked as an assistant director on Rocky Aur Rani Kii Proem Kahani, gaining experience behind the camera before stepping into the spotlight. His debut in Sarzameen is highly anticipated, with reports suggesting veteran actress Kajol will also play a significant role in the film.
Following Karan’s announcement, Ibrahim’s sister, actress Sara Ali Khan, also expressed her excitement. She reposted Karan’s Instagram post on her story with the message, “Welcome to movies.”
The announcement also comes just weeks after Ibrahim’s father, Saif Ali Khan, was attacked during an attempted robbery at his residence. Despite the ongoing nepotism debate, Ibrahim's entry into Bollywood is set, and all eyes will be on how he carves his own path in the industry.