On Wednesday, Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar surprised everyone by sharing a glimpse of his much-awaited production venture Kalank. The project is very close to the filmmaker as it was planned by his late father Yash Johar some 15 years ago.
Mounted on a huge scale, Kalank is a period drama which features Madhuri Dixit, Alia Bhatt, Sonakshi Sinha, Sanjay Dutt, Varun Dhawan and Aditya Roy Kapur in lead roles. The film is directed by 2 States (2014) fame Abhishek Verman.
Revealing why Kalank is a very special project for him, Karan Johar wrote in an Instagram post, "A film that was born in my heart and mind 15 years ago, a film I passionately believe in, the last film my father worked on before he left us. It was his dream to see this film come through...I couldn’t fulfil his dream then. My spirit was broken, but today his wish has found a relationship with celluloid. The story of turbulent relationships and eternal love has found a voice. The film has been woven, nurtured and visualised by ABHISHEK VARMAN and the film is KALANK! Set in the ’40s but its heart lives on. TOMORROW the journey begins.....am excited ...anxious and emotional about this one. I do hope you join us on our path to undying love.....#KALANK.”
Produced by Dharma Productions in association with Fox Star Studios, Kalank is set to release on 19th April, 2019.
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