Recently, Karan Singh Grover ended his stint on Ekta Kapoor's popular daily soap Kasautii Zindagii Kay. He played the iconic character of Mr Bajaj on the series. Ever since fans came to know about his exit from the show, they have been expressing their disappointment on social media.
As we all know that the makers of the show have reintroduced the popular character of Komolika . Earlier, the character was played by well-known televison actress Hina Khan. However, she left the show to pursue her career in Bollywood. After Khan exited the series, Aamna Sharif has been roped in to play the character of Komolika on the show.
A source in the know informs a popular publication, “No one knew about his exit till he informed the team on the last day of his shoot. The makers want to focus on Komolika and the Basu family in the show as of now. If the ratings don’t go up, there is a good chance that Mr Bajaj will be brought back.”
Grover took to Instagram to inform his exit from Kasautii Zindagii Kay with the following caption, “Thank you for an awesome time and such an amazing farewell!! It was a pleasure working with y'all! Thank you @ektaravikapoor. We Missed you yesterday.”
For the uninitiated, Kasautii Zindagii Kay is the reboot version of Ekta Kapoor's iconic show of the same name which ran from 2001 to 2008. The reboot version stars Parth Samthan and Erica Fernandez in lead roles.
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