Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is presently busy judging Dance India Dance on Zee TV, has confirmed her reunion with Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan. After months of speculations, the diva has finally opened up about joining forces with the superstar for the much-anticipated film Lal Singh Chaddha.
Heaping praises on Aamir Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan said that it is an honour for her to share the screen space with the superstar for the third time after 3 Idiots (2009) and Talaash (2012). “It's going to be an absolute honour for me to be in the same frame with Aamir because I am always been a huge fan of Aamir,” she beamed.
The actress, who was last seen in Ekta Kapoor’s chick flick Veere Di Wedding (2018), mentioned that working with the Dangal (2016) actor is always a dream come true for her. “Sharing a frame with him again would be an absolute dream come true moment for me," she added.
Kareena Kapoor Khan also mentioned that Lal Singh Chaddha is a special film for her and she is glad to be a part of it. However, she chose not to reveal much about the movie. “When the time is right, we will definitely talk about it,” she said in conclusion.
Advait Chauhan, who made his directorial debut with Secret Superstar (2017), will mark his second directorial venture with Lal Singh Chaddha. Written by actor-writer Atul Kulkarni, the movie is an official remake of the 1994 Hollywood film Forrest Gump, featuring Tom Hank in the lead role. Apart from playing the male lead, Aamir Khan is co-producing the movie in association with Viacom18 Motion Pictures.
Set to begin production soon, Lal Singh Chaddha is scheduled for its theatrical release on Christmas 2020.