Luv Ranjan’s Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety has grossed more than the total collection of Akshay Kumar’s Padman. The film has become the second highest grosser of the year after Padmavat. Talking about the movie grossing more than Rs 100 crore worldwide, Kartik Aaryan said to a leading Indian entertainment portal, I am Akshay sir's biggest fan. I am someone who can not even be compared to him let alone beating the film. I have just started my career. It's not me, it's the film Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety. I am just happy that the film is getting such a big response at the box office and has become the second highest grossing film of 2018."
Earlier, in an interview, he had said, " I think this film is the turning point of my career. What is happening right now is surreal. Bahut alag feeling hai. I had expected it to do well but the kind of success that it’s turning out to be is outstanding."
"The reason I am an actor is because I have faith in myself. Star ki tarah toh main nahin sochta tha, but I was always keen to make my own journey. I wanted to take small steps but SKTKS has turned out to be a major step in my career. I can’t talk about the star status, only time will tell. But the kind of response the film is getting is speaking for itself. I’m really happy. I don’t think about any league. Everything is just falling into place," added Kartik.
Apart from Kartik, the film also stars, Nushrat Bharucha and Sunny Singh in the lead roles.