Of late, rumours have been doing the rounds in Bollywood that Katrina Kaif was set to reunite with megastar Amitabh Bachchan for a film called Deadly. Filmmaker Vikas Bahl, who tasted huge success with his last directorial Super 30 (2019), was set to call the shots for the upcoming project.
However, when Kaif was asked about the same, she denied starring in the film. In conversation with a leading Indian publication, the actress said that the news of her being a part of the said project is not true. Some media outlets had earlier reported that the actress was roped in to play daughter to Amitabh Bachchan in the flick.
As soon as the news came out, Kaif received flak on social media for allegedly signing the film with filmmaker Vikas Bahl who had faced sexual misconduct allegations during the #MeToo movement in India.
Katrina Kaif’s team also confirmed that the only film the actress is currently a part of is the much-awaited cop-drama Sooryavanshi. The Rohit Shetty directorial, which reunites her with superstar Akshay Kumar after a long gap of a decade, was set to roll into theatres on 24th March, 2020. However, the makers had to postpone its release date keeping in mind the Coronavirus pandemic. They will announce the new release date once the pandemic subsides.
Amitabh Bachchan and Katrina Kaif were last seen together in Yash Raj Films’ period drama Thugs of Hindostan (2018), which also starred Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan and Fatima Sana Shaikh in lead roles. Despite featuring some of the most popular actors on its ensemble cast and a massive budget, the film tanked at the box-office, incurring huge losses for Yash Raj Films.