Kiara Advani, who made her acting debut with the Akshay Kumar-produced Fugly in 2014, has finally found her due in the industry. After the earth-shattering success of her latest film Kabir Singh (2019), producers are looking at her with different lenses. She already has her plate full with several high-profile movies, but that is not stopping filmmakers from approaching her with new scripts.
While, after tasting stardom, many actresses shy away from playing roles which have less screen time, Kiara Advani has no apprehension about playing such roles if they add to the screenplay of the film. She is presently busy with her next Shershah which is a biopic based on the life of the Kargil war hero Vikram Batra. Sidharth Malhotra is playing the lead role in the film.
Revealing what led her to choose Shershah which predominantly revolves around Malhotra’s character, the actress said, “I am greedy and I want to do a role that’s interesting. It may not be a lead role but it should add to the screenplay and have something that’s interesting. I don’t want to do projects just to add the glam, tadka.”
She went on to add “I would like to be part of a film regardless. I am doing a biopic on Vikram Batra but the love story is probably one of the highlights of the film. It is so unbelievably pure and real that it is actually filmy. I am proud to be a part of this film.”
Apart from Shershah, Kiara Advani will also be seen in Dharma Productions’ Good News, Laxmmi Bomb and Indoo Ki Jawani. She is also headlining Netflix’s Guilty which is being bankrolled by Karan Johar’s Dharmatic Entertainment.