Kapil Sharma and Krushna Abhishek have been competing with each other ever since their respective comedy shows were airing in the same channel. On being asked by the leading Indian entertainment portal, Krushna Abhishek shared his thoughts on Kapil’s return on the small screen, he said, “I am really happy for Kapil and I am waiting for his show."
Adding further, he said that he hopes Kapil Sharma’s new show, Family Time With Kapil Sharma works wonders for him, as his film didn’t work well at the box office. "Since his film Firangi, unfortunately, did not work, I hope the new show should do wonders for him. Also once he launches his project, I will also come up with my show, so that people will get something to talk about (laughs),” he stated.
On being asked whether he would like to get invited on Kapil’s new show, Krushna said, “I would love to. The fact is that he never calls me. I have people asking me this and I really have no reason to not go to his show, but he would at least have to give me a phone call. If he does that, I would happily go.”
Meanwhile, Kapil’s new show Family Time with Kapil Sharma is inspired by The Hollywood Squares.
A source said to a leading Indian daily, "Sony TV and Kapil recently had a meeting and discussed on the comeback of the show. With Kapil now fit and fine, he is raring to go, and entertain his audience in his own inimitable style. The promo that is being shot today would be just an announcement, and a full-fledged one would be shot after the creatives are finalized. The show is expected to launch by end of March."
The source further mentioned that Sunil Grover won’t be a part of the show.
"No, Sunil is not coming back. The remaining cast of The Kapil Sharma Show will be part of the series while there can be some new addition also. The title of the show has also not being finalized. But Kapil and the makers are working hard to make this a bigger and better project," a source said.